Planed and upcoming features

Here you will find a list of features and wishes, planed for one of the next ActivityDiary releases.
  • Selected points in the diagram, should be marked in the map view
  • Add Photos to Tracks and/or to single Waypoints in a Track
  • Enhance Integration of Data from Polar Heart Rate Monitors
  • Export created tracks to your GPS Device
  • Publish and share saved Activities over a Web resource
  • Well formated Printversion for saved Tracks
  • Integrate with PIM applications to plan upcoming activities
  • 3D Map View
  • Import compressed GPX Files
  • User defined Track Categories
  • Edit manually created Tracks
  • Pre-Download selected areas in the map, for offline usage.
  • Modular GUI Design, to fit smaller displays
If you find something usefull missing, have other great new ideas or any wishes and requests to enhance ActivityDiary, contact